The Therapy-God's Way

Be in understanding of God's precepts and Tenets, fearing the lord our God, so that we may always prosper and be kept alive and as we keep his commandments, that will be our righteousness. As we meditate on his precepts and Tenets, and deploying these in our life, and through praise and worship we obtain the keys to the Kingdom Deut. 6:24


The action of Doing- applying these precepts, (remember that saying as faith without works is dead?) so it is as in the action of applying the precepts), by meditating on his ways and in his essence and applying these in our daily walk, committing and with consistency is the key to the release of all we seek in the Kingdom, releasing our minds and thoughts to all he had declared. Finding and remaining in his peace through following, applying and releasing our mind to and in him (setting the baseline), we are released from the traps of today and the flesh and only what we can see with our five senses, as we bring forth by petition what and all we ask for through faith. As we meditate on all that is of his essence, found in all that he created, we are in completion in his essence and that he can do exceedingly abundantly beyond what we can see as we are in alignment with all that he is: omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent. With a heart of gratitude, we walk in his promise Matt 8:13 We do this to manifestation, all that we have petitioned for by owning the attributes of our desired reality believing and walking in the feeling as it was done, experiencing it and it becomes reality. Owning and claiming it to manifestation! keyword here being

taking action- DO,

remembering that when we are in lack, stuck or stagnant, this action is what produces the fruit that is the Manifestation.

Phil 4:8

"Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure. whatsoever things are lovely, and of Good Report, if there is any virtue, if there be any praise, think of these things"


As we implement his precepts and Tenets, in our purpose, petitioning with a sacrifice of the fruits of the lips in praise and worship, we obtain the favor upon following his commandments and doing all he had set for us, we are now blessed by Doing to manifestation-We now Have the physical result we seek.

The Commandments Mark 12:27-31

The most important; To Love our God is one Lord. And though shalt love the lord with all thy soul and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength.

This is the first commandment.

The second commandment is like this, though shall love thy neighbor as thyself. There is no other commandment greater than this